We have created 12+ Good Friday images of love and compassion. Good Friday is celebrated worldwide by the Christians withe great enthusiasm.They believe that Jesus Christ is sent by the Almighty God to save people for their sins and wrong doings and to follow righteous path.

Though Jesus preached his teachings of love and compassion even doing miracles and teachings of Gods wisdom and his eternal power,but he was protested by many people in his lifetime and was severely punished,beaten and even crucified.

On this day Christians Christians spend their days on prayers and solitude.They celebrate and participates on activities that happens on the day and remember it as the day of hope and love. imagesavatar.com has tried to capture rare and beautiful good Friday images.

Good Friday images
Varying rituals and procedures, observances are followed worldwide reflecting differences in cultural and regional values. To forgive anyone for his sin and to show him the path of sympathy and love.