Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated by Hindus as the birth of Sri Krishna. He was born on the Ashtami day at dark fortnight at Mathura. Lord Krishna is considered the eight incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Many people keep fast on this day and visit temples. Some sings beautiful Bhazans in praise of Lord Krishna. Events such as Matki Phod is organised in many areas. Mathura and Vrindavan is famous for it.

From childhood Lord Krishna has done many supreme things in his life. Killed and destroyed many evil powers and played important part in Mahabharat. He recited Bhagwat Gita to Arjun by preaching the path of Karma. On the other hand he was a great flute player and a source of divine love and power.

Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami with great joy and share the beautiful janmashtami images created in love of Sri Krishna by